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3 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HydrocharitaceaeVallisneria americanaVallisneria, Water-celery, Tapegrass, EelgrassLakes, rivers, estuaries, sounds.NS and QC west to ND, south to FL, TX, NM, AZ; south into tropical America {or is this all or partly V. neotropicalis?}.image of plant
HydrocharitaceaeVallisneria denseserrulata × spiralisAquatic.Known from coastal and inland FL and inland AL, but likely to be much more widespread.
HydrocharitaceaeVallisneria neotropicalisLarge Water-celery, Large EelgrassSpring runs; other aquatic habitats.FL Panhandle, s. FL, and apparently from e. SC west to TX in the Coastal Plain; Cuba.image of plant