5 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OrchidaceaeVanilla barbellataWormvine Vanilla, Wormvine, Linkvine, Leafless VanillaMangroves and brackish marshes, coastal hammocks, pine rocklands.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
OrchidaceaeVanilla dillonianaDillon’s Vanilla, Leafless Vanilla, Mrs. Lott’s VanillaTropical hardwood hammocks over limestone.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
OrchidaceaeVanilla mexicanaMexican VanillaBay heads.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.image of plant
OrchidaceaeVanilla phaeanthaLeafy Vanilla, Oblong-leaved VanillaSwamps, strands, slough margins.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
OrchidaceaeVanilla planifoliaVanilla, Commercial VanillaTropical hardwood hammocks, cypress swamps.Native of West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and South America. Possibly a pre-Columbian introduction.image of plant