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12 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeVerbesina alternifoliaCommon WingstemAlluvial forests, marshes, floodplain pastures.NY and s. ON west to IA, south to Panhandle FL, w. LA, and nc. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina aristataCoastal Plain CrownbeardLongleaf pine sandhills, swamp margins, dry woodlands.Sw. GA and ne. FL west to FL Panhandle and s. ALimage of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina chapmaniiChapman's CrownbeardBogs and wet pine flatwoods.FL Panhandle (an 8-county endemic).image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina encelioidesGolden CrownbeardFields and disturbed area.NE and TX west to CA, south to c. Mexico; widely scattered eastwards as an introduction in the se. United States and elsewhere.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina helianthoidesOzark CrownbeardPrairies, oak savannas, glades, dry woodlands over mafic rocks, barrens.OH west to IA and KS, south to c. TN, c. GA, n. AL, and nc. TX; disjunct in w. NC and e. GA.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina heterophyllaPine flatwoods.Ne. FL (8 counties) and se. GA (Charlton County).image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina lindheimeriLindheimer's CrownbeardLimestone slopes.Mainly Edwards Plateau, TX, barely in adjacent provinces.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina micropteraTexas CrownbeardLoamy soils.S. TX south to ne. Mexico (COA, HGO, NLE, QRO, SLP, TAM, VER).image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina occidentalisSouthern CrownbeardForests, woodlands, pastures, and roadsides, especially abundant in alluvial areas or upslope over mafic or calcareous rocks.MD west to OH and MO, south to Panhandle FL and MS.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina virginica var. laciniataSouthern FrostweedMoist forests and thickets, pine rocklands, rockland hammock edges.E. SC (or e. NC?) south to s. FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina virginica var. virginicaCommon FrostweedMoist to dryish forests and woodlands, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks, in Coastal Plain ravines in VA over coquina limestone.Sc. NC (e. VA?) west to e. KS, south to n. FL and c. and s. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeVerbesina walteriWalter's WingstemFloodplains, low moist forests.Coastal Plain of SC south to GA, west to e. TX; disjunct eastwards in NC, SC, and GA, and northward in the Ouachita Mountains of AR and OK.image of plant

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