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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeXanthisma glaberrimumPrairies.W. MN and s. MB south to sc. OK and se. NM.
AsteraceaeXanthisma spinulosum var. austrotexanumSouth Texas Sleepy-daisySandy loams near the coast.Endemic to s. TX.
AsteraceaeXanthisma spinulosum var. spinulosumLacy Sleepy-daisy, Lacy Tansy-asterPrairies.MB to AB, south through ND, MT, ID, SD, WY, NE, UT, KS, CO, sw. AR, OK, TX, NM, and AZ to Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthisma texanum var. drummondiiDrummond's Sleepy-daisySandy woodlands, pastures.OK and n. NM, south to ec. Txas. NM, and se. AZ.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthisma texanum var. orientalePrairies, oak mottes.S. TX Coastal Plain.image of plant

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