Intro: Erect perennial from a blackish horizontal rhizome, often growing in clumps, in sandhill seepage bogs, pine savannas and on pocosin edges.
Stems: Stems obscurely 3-angled and smooth.
Leaves: Leaves basal, ascending, lance-shaped, 3-5 in. long and keeled on the underside.
Flowers: Flowers in a loosely pyramidal panicle with smooth, ascending branches; off-white; composed of 6 oval to lance-shaped, sharp-tipped tepals, each with 2 distinctive dot-shaped glands near the base.
Fruits: Fruit an oval to conic capsule that becomes reddish brown and persists through winter.
Height: 1-3.5 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial from a blackish horizontal rhizome, often growing in clumps, in sandhill seepage bogs, pine savannas and on pocosin edges.
stems: Stems obscurely 3-angled and smooth.
leaves: Leaves basal, ascending, lance-shaped, 3-5 in. long and keeled on the underside.
flowers: Flowers in a loosely pyramidal panicle with smooth, ascending branches; off-white; composed of 6 oval to lance-shaped, sharp-tipped tepals, each with 2 distinctive dot-shaped glands near the base.
fruits: Fruit an oval to conic capsule that becomes reddish brown and persists through winter.
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native range: southeastern United States