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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeZizia aptera var. apteraHeartleaf Golden-AlexandersPrairies, moist forests, forest openings, open woodlands, and woodland edges.NY west to BC, south to GA, Panhandle FL, AR, OK, WY, and BC.image of plant
ApiaceaeZizia aureaCommon Golden-AlexandersMoist forests, moist prairies.NB west to SK, south to sw. GA, Panhandle FL, and e. TX.image of plant
ApiaceaeZizia trifoliataMountain Golden-AlexandersMoist forests, woodlands, and woodland borders.MD, VA, WV, and TN south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and c. AL; a report for AR (Kartesz 2010) is false.image of plant