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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CelastraceaeTricerma phyllanthoidesGutta-percha, Leatherleaf, Florida MaytenCoastal hammocks, dunes, upper salt marsh edges.FL peninsula (on the west coast from Levy County south to s. FL); Bahamas; Cuba; n. to s. Mexico.image of plant
CelastraceaeTricerma texanumTexas Leatherleaf, Texas Mayten, Mangle Dulce, Gutta-PerchaShrublands and thickets, commonly with Vachellia and Forestiera, mud flats, salt flats, low ridges, clay mounds, clay dunes, loamy sand, sandy clay, saline clay.Se. TX to ne. TAM.image of plant