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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PrimulaceaeAnagallis arvensisScarlet Pimpernel, Common Pimpernel, Hierba del Pájaro, Poor Man's WeatherglassLawns, fields, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
PrimulaceaeAnagallis latifoliaBlue PimpernelDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. Reported as introduced in PA, KY, OH, and other scattered states north and west of our area (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
PrimulaceaeAnagallis monelliBlue PimpernelAlong intermittent stream in suburban woodlands, probably only a waif.Native of sw. Europe. Reported for Fairfax County, VA by Harvill et al. (1992) and Shetler & Orli (2000).image of plant