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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HypericaceaeTriadenum fraseriFraser’s Marsh St. John's-wortBogs, peaty wetlands, seepage swamps.NL (Newfoundland) and QC west to MN, south to NY, PA, w. VA, ne. TN, w. NC, OH, n. IN, and NE.image of plant
HypericaceaeTriadenum tubulosumSouthern Marsh St. John's-wortBogs, peaty wetlands, drawdown sloughs along rivers, drawdown shorelines along man-made reservoirs.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to LA, and north in the interior to se. and c. TN, s. IL and s. OH.image of plant
HypericaceaeTriadenum virginicumCommon Marsh St. John's-wortBogs, fens, tidal swamps and marshes, other peaty wetlands.NS west to OH and s. ON, south to s. FL and MS, mostly on the Coastal Plain but scattered inland.image of plant
HypericaceaeTriadenum walteriWalter’s Marsh St. John's-wortSwamp forests and marshes.MD south to n. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, and north in the interior to s. MO, s. IL, and OH.image of plant