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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RosaceaeWaldsteinia donianaSouthern Barren StrawberryForests, streambanks.VA and KY south to GA and AL.image of plant
RosaceaeWaldsteinia fragarioidesNorthern Barren StrawberryForests, streambanks.NB west to MN, south to NC, TN, IN, MO, and AR.image of plant
RosaceaeWaldsteinia lobataLobed Barren StrawberryForests, streambanks.Sw. NC south to nw. SC and n. and c. GA.image of plant
RosaceaeWaldsteinia ternataEurasian Barren-strawberry, Siberian Barren-strawberryPlanted, perhaps naturalizing. This species is being widely sold (sometimes as the native Waldsteinia fragarioides) for horticultural use.Native of c. Europe, irregularly west to Siberia