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33 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PolygalaceaeSenega albaWhite MilkwortRocky and sandy prairies and thickets.SK and AB south to s. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega ambiguaLoose MilkwortFields, woodlands, openings.ME west to MI, south to GA, AL, and OK.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega appendiculataSwamp MilkwortBogs and pond margins.Ne. and Panhandle FL west to e. TX; Mexico, Central America, and South America; Cuba.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega aquiloniaNorthern DrumheadsBogs, damp or wet soil in openings.S. ME, NY, MI, and MN south to e. VA, w. NC, n. GA, n. AL, TN, and IL.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega balduinii var. balduiniiWhite Milkwort, Baldwin's MilkwortWet pine savannas, marl prairies, interdune swales.E. GA south to s. FL, west to s. AL (Barger et al. 2023) and s. MS; e. TX; Cuba; Bahamas (Andros Island).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega balduinii var. carteriCarter’s MilkwortPine flatwoods.S. FL; e. Cuba.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega boykinii var. 1Boykin's MilkwortLongleaf pine flatwoods and savannas, seeps, prairies, calcareous glades.C. TN south through GA, AL, and MS to s. FL and w. LA.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega boykinii var. 2Boykin's MilkwortPine rocklands, often growing out of oolitic limestone.S. FL (Monroe County Keys, Miami-Dade County).
PolygalaceaeSenega brevifoliaShortleaf Milkwort, Little-leaf MilkwortPine savannas, pocosin margins, pocosin interiors after fire.NY (presumably Long Island) and NJ south to Panhandle FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega chapmaniiPine savannas, seepage bogs.Panhandle FL and sw. GA west to s. MS.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega crenataScalloped MilkwortWet pine flatwoods and savannas, bogs, bayheads, acidic swamps.FL Panhandle and AL west to e. TX; reported for GA (B.A. Sorrie, pers. comm.; R. Carter 16758).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega cruciataDrumheadsBogs, damp or wet soil in openings.S. NJ south to s. FL, west to AR, se. OK, and e. TX; disjunct inland in se. TN.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega curtissiiAppalachian Milkwort, Curtiss's MilkwortMafic barrens, old fields, thickets, openings.DE and se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) west to OH, south to SC, GA, and ne. MS.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega cymosaTall Pinebarren MilkwortPond-cypress savannas, Coastal Plain depression ponds, clay-based Carolina bays, other sites with seasonally flooded hydrology.E. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS; disjunct in s. DE.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega hookeriHooker's MilkwortPine savannas.Panhandle FL (and sw. GA?), west to s. MS and e. LA; disjunct in se. NC and ne. SC; reported for e. TX (Correll & Johnston 1970).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega incarnataPink Milkwort, Procession-flowerPine savannas, woodlands, glades, upland dry prairies, fields.NY (Long Island) and se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) west to MI, WI, and IA, south to s. FL and TX; Mexico; Central America.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega leptostachysGeorgia MilkwortLongleaf pine sandhills.Ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL, west to sw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), s. AL (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008), s. MS (Sorrie & Leonard 1999).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega lewtoniiSand Sweethearts, Lewton’s MilkwortLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, often on yellow sands.N. FL peninsula (Marion County) south to c. FL.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega longicaulisLongstem MilkwortNative of tropical America. Reported for our region only from Jackson County, AL, in 1917.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega luteaOrange Milkwort, Red-hot-poker, Yellow Bachelor's-buttonsWet pine savannas, ditches, bogs, seeps, other wet (saturated) areas.NY (Long Island), se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), and NJ south to s. FL, west to e. LA.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega marianaMaryland MilkwortBogs, pine savannas, other open wet habitats.S. NJ south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX; disjunct inland in sw. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega nanaDwarf Milkwort, CandyrootLongleaf pine flatwoods, other open (sometimes disturbed) moist areas.E. GA south to s. FL, west to e. TX, with scattered populations inland to n. SC, w. NC, nw. GA, n. AL, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and ne. MS.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega nuttalliiNuttall's MilkwortPocosins, pine savannas, seepages, also in depression ponds (in Augusta and Rockingham counties, VA).MA south to ne. FL and e. Panhandle FL; disjunct inland in w. VA, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), sc. KY, and allegedly c. AR.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega officinalis var. 1Northern Senega SnakerootWoodlands and openings, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks.QC west to AB, south to n. GA, TN, AR, and SD.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega officinalis var. 2Southern Senega SnakerootWoodlands and openings, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks.NY west to MN, SD, and BC, south to n. GA, TN, AR, OK, and WY.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega polygamaBitter Milkwort, Racemed MilkwortLongleaf pine sandhills, woodlands, woodland borders.NS, ON, and MN south to s. FL and TX.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega ramosaShort Pinebarren Milkwort, Low Pinebarren MilkwortWet pine savannas, pocosin margins, bogs.S. NJ south to s. peninsular FL, west to e. TX; rarely disjunct inland.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega rugeliiYellow MilkwortWet pine flatwoods, wet slash pine savannas, cutthroat seepages and savannas. Wet to dry sandy roadsides.Extreme e. Panhandle FL and n. peninsular FL south to s. FL.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega sanguineaBlood Milkwort, Field MilkwortBogs, fens, seeps, prairies, woodlands, openings, woodland borders.NS and MN, south to nw. SC, n. GA, and e. TX.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega setaceaCoastal Plain MilkwortPine flatwoods and bogs.E. GA and Panhandle FL south to s. FL. Reported by Small (1933) as occurring north to NC and west to s. MS (apparently erroneously).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega smalliiSmall’s Milkwort, Tiny Milkwort, Small’s Small MilkwortPine rocklands, Florida scrub, scrubby pine flatwoods.Endemic to Atlantic Coast Ridge of se. FL (St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties).image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega verticillata var. 1Whorled MilkwortDry woodlands, woodland borders, openings, fields.ME west to MI, south to w. VA, w. NC, and TN.image of plant
PolygalaceaeSenega verticillata var. 2Whorled MilkwortDry woodlands, woodland borders, openings, fields.VT west to MB, south to Panhandle FL (Kunzer et al. 2009), s. FL, and TX.image of plant

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