Intro: Scapose perennial from a short, thick rhizome, found in pine savannas, seepage bogs and pine flatwoods.
Stems: Stem an unbranched, mostly naked (a few small, linear bracts) flowering scape that rises from the center of a leaf rosette.
Leaves: Leaves in a flattish basal rosette, elliptic to lance-shaped, 3/4-3 in. long, bright green.
Flowers: Flowers in a single spike-like raceme at top of scape, yellow to orange-yellow, about 1/4 in. long, tubular-cylindric and lacking a constriction, nearly closed at the tip and granular on the outside.
Comments: Similar to Aletris lutea (pp. xx), whose pale yellow flowers are longer and are almost always open at the mouth of the corolla tube.
Height: 7-26 in.
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description: Scapose perennial from a short, thick rhizome, found in pine savannas, seepage bogs and pine flatwoods.
stems: Stem an unbranched, mostly naked (a few small, linear bracts) flowering scape that rises from the center of a leaf rosette.
leaves: Leaves in a flattish basal rosette, elliptic to lance-shaped, 3/4-3 in. long, bright green.
flowers: Flowers in a single spike-like raceme at top of scape, yellow to orange-yellow, about 1/4 in. long, tubular-cylindric and lacking a constriction, nearly closed at the tip and granular on the outside.
comments: Similar to Aletris lutea (pp. xx), whose pale yellow flowers are longer and are almost always open at the mouth of the corolla tube.
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