Intro: Ascending to reclining, mat-forming, aquatic perennial floating in mats on the surface of blackwater rivers, sloughs, ditches and ponds, and in very moist soil of ditches and shorelines. Native of tropical America.
Stems: Stems stout, mostly hollow, often red-tinged, hairy at the nodes; will root from the nodes, and in standing water will float on the surface, forming a dense, multi-layer mat with upright branches.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, each pair widely spaced and at right angles to the next, sessile, the leaf base forming a sheath around stem at the node, linear to elliptic, 2--4 in. long, obscurely toothed or entire, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in compact heads on long stalks coming from upper leaf nodes, white to off-white, tiny, consisting of 5 1/4-in.-long sepals.
Comments: A serious weed of natural areas.
Height: 2-3 ft.
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description: Ascending to reclining, mat-forming, aquatic perennial floating in mats on the surface of blackwater rivers, sloughs, ditches and ponds, and in very moist soil of ditches and shorelines. Native of tropical America.
stems: Stems stout, mostly hollow, often red-tinged, hairy at the nodes; will root from the nodes, and in standing water will float on the surface, forming a dense, multi-layer mat with upright branches.
leaves: Leaves opposite, each pair widely spaced and at right angles to the next, sessile, the leaf base forming a sheath around stem at the node, linear to elliptic, 2--4 in. long, obscurely toothed or entire, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in compact heads on long stalks coming from upper leaf nodes, white to off-white, tiny, consisting of 5 1/4-in.-long sepals.
comments: A serious weed of natural areas.
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