Intro: Erect, often bushy, tap-rooted annual of roadsides, gardens, disturbed soils and thin soils on rock outcrops.
Stems: Stems simple to branched, sometimes reddish, smooth to rough-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite below and alternate above, oval to elliptic in outline, 1-4 in. long, deeply 2 times divided into narrow, blunt-tipped lobes; gland-dotted and with a pungent odor when crushed, smooth.
Flowers: Male (staminate) flowers in small, green, nodding, cup-shaped heads arranged in spikes (1-4 in. long) at tips of branches; female (pistillate) flowers tiny, in round, green clusters in upper leaf axils, each cluster with 1-3 flowers surrounded by tiny bracts. All flowers lack petals and sepals.
Comments: Male flowers release large amounts of allergy-provoking pollen.
Height: 1-6 ft.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect, often bushy, tap-rooted annual of roadsides, gardens, disturbed soils and thin soils on rock outcrops.
stems: Stems simple to branched, sometimes reddish, smooth to rough-hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite below and alternate above, oval to elliptic in outline, 1-4 in. long, deeply 2 times divided into narrow, blunt-tipped lobes; gland-dotted and with a pungent odor when crushed, smooth.
flowers: Male (staminate) flowers in small, green, nodding, cup-shaped heads arranged in spikes (1-4 in. long) at tips of branches; female (pistillate) flowers tiny, in round, green clusters in upper leaf axils, each cluster with 1-3 flowers surrounded by tiny bracts. All flowers lack petals and sepals.
comments: Male flowers release large amounts of allergy-provoking pollen.
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native range: North America