Intro: Erect or ascending annual of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Eurasia.
Stems: Stems simple or bushy-branched (especially below), green or reddish, glandular and smooth or hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, feathery (pinnately divided into linear segments), 1-2 1/4 in. long, lightly hairy, ill-scented when crushed.
Flowers: Flowers in ½- to 1-in.-wide daisylike heads at tips of branches; heads consisting of 10--18 white ray florets encircling the bright yellow, domed center disk of tiny, tubular florets.
Height: 12-20 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect or ascending annual of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Eurasia.
stems: Stems simple or bushy-branched (especially below), green or reddish, glandular and smooth or hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, feathery (pinnately divided into linear segments), 1-2 1/4 in. long, lightly hairy, ill-scented when crushed.
flowers: Flowers in ½- to 1-in.-wide daisylike heads at tips of branches; heads consisting of 10--18 white ray florets encircling the bright yellow, domed center disk of tiny, tubular florets.
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