Intro: Coarse, erect perennial of mesic forests, woodland edges, clearings, prairies and meadows.
Stems: Stems faintly ribbed, unbranched, pale green and waxy, often reddish-purple above, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate, oval to kidney- or fan-shaped, 2-7 in. long and to 12 in. wide (reduced upward), thick, with pointed lobes or coarse teeth, green above and pale-green to white beneath.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in clusters of 4-15 in a large, flat-topped, compound terminal cluster; heads on light green stems, cream to greenish-white or pale purple, about 1/3 in. long, consisting of 5 cylindrical disk florets with protruding split styles. A cylindrical tube of light green bracts surrounds each head.
Fruits: Fruit a white-tufted, oblong achene.
Height: 3-8 ft.
plant sale text: The "pale" of this plant refers to the stems and lower leaf surfaces being covered with a soft white "bloom". Fan-shaped basal leaves (to 12" wide) are thick, leathery, and coarsely toothed and lobed, somewhat resembling very large sycamore leaves. The bright flat-topped flowers crowning the tall strong central stalk catch sunlight and attract small bees. Stems may be cut back to the basal foliage after bloom to encourage a lower, secondary bloom. This underused native is perfect in the back of a flower border.
bloom table text:
description: Coarse, erect perennial of mesic forests, woodland edges, clearings, prairies and meadows.
stems: Stems faintly ribbed, unbranched, pale green and waxy, often reddish-purple above, smooth.
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate, oval to kidney- or fan-shaped, 2-7 in. long and to 12 in. wide (reduced upward), thick, with pointed lobes or coarse teeth, green above and pale-green to white beneath.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in clusters of 4-15 in a large, flat-topped, compound terminal cluster; heads on light green stems, cream to greenish-white or pale purple, about 1/3 in. long, consisting of 5 cylindrical disk florets with protruding split styles. A cylindrical tube of light green bracts surrounds each head.
fruits: Fruit a white-tufted, oblong achene.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern & central United States