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2 results for Asplenium resiliens. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AspleniaceaeAsplenium resiliensBlackstem SpleenwortMoist to dry outcrops of calcareous sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, such as limestone, dolostone, coquina, or marble, sometimes on narrow seams of calcareous materials in otherwise acidic rocks, rarely on mortar or concrete, mostly at low to moderate elevations, but remarkably on Grandfather Mountain at over 1800 m.Sc. PA, sw. OH, KY, s. IL, MO, se. KS, OK, TX, CO, and s. NV south to FL, TX, AZ, and Mexico; West Indies; Central America and South America.image of plant
AspleniaceaeAsplenium heteroresiliensMarl Spleenwort, Carolina Spleenwort, Wagner's Spleenwort, Morzenti's SpleenwortFairly moist outcrops of calcareous sedimentary rocks, such as coquina limestone (‘marl’), along small blackwater streams or larger rivers, at low elevations, and rarely also on old ruins made of tabby (a cement made from lime, sand, and oyster shells).Rare and scattered from se. NC to se. GA, sw. GA, and n. FL, on the Coastal Plainimage of plant