Intro: Erect to ascending annual found in turkey oak-dominated sandhills and other dry oak forests and woodlands.
Stems: Stems bushy-branched and glandular-hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves (on young plants) elliptic to lance-shaped, entire; stem leaves opposite, lance-shaped in outline, to 2½ in. long, pinnately divided into 10 or 12 narrow, toothed segments; glandular-hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in a glandular-hairy terminal raceme, bright yellow (sometimes tinged with red), about 1½ in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular, with 5 spreading, rounded lobes; 5 distinctive sepals are pinnately lobed and densely glandular-hairy.
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
Comments: Entire plant is sticky to the touch and turns blackish in autumn. This is a partially parasitic (on oaks) species.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Erect to ascending annual found in turkey oak-dominated sandhills and other dry oak forests and woodlands.
stems: Stems bushy-branched and glandular-hairy.
leaves: Basal leaves (on young plants) elliptic to lance-shaped, entire; stem leaves opposite, lance-shaped in outline, to 2½ in. long, pinnately divided into 10 or 12 narrow, toothed segments; glandular-hairy.
flowers: Flowers in a glandular-hairy terminal raceme, bright yellow (sometimes tinged with red), about 1½ in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular, with 5 spreading, rounded lobes; 5 distinctive sepals are pinnately lobed and densely glandular-hairy.
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
comments: Entire plant is sticky to the touch and turns blackish in autumn. This is a partially parasitic (on oaks) species.
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