Intro: Wiry, erect annual of wet pine savannas, shores of Coastal Plain depression ponds, interdune swales, and other moist sandy habitats.
Stems: Stems smooth, slightly twisted and usually reddish-tinged.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, minute and scalelike.
Flowers: Flowers in a narrow, sparse panicle; white, about ¼ in. long, consisting of 4 oblong to oblong-oval petals, which are widely spreading in full bloom, and 4 prominent orange stamens around a yellowish-green ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, oval capsule.
Comments: Bartonia species are believed to be at least partly dependent on a fungal association (mycorrhizae) in the soil.
Height: 2-8 in.
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description: Wiry, erect annual of wet pine savannas, shores of Coastal Plain depression ponds, interdune swales, and other moist sandy habitats.
stems: Stems smooth, slightly twisted and usually reddish-tinged.
leaves: Leaves opposite, minute and scalelike.
flowers: Flowers in a narrow, sparse panicle; white, about ¼ in. long, consisting of 4 oblong to oblong-oval petals, which are widely spreading in full bloom, and 4 prominent orange stamens around a yellowish-green ovary.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, oval capsule.
comments: Bartonia species are believed to be at least partly dependent on a fungal association (mycorrhizae) in the soil.
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