Intro: Erect perennial commonly seen in swamp forests, bottomlands, bogs, marshes and ditches.
Stems: Stems usually several in a clump arising from a woody crown, 4-angled or round, unbranched and light-green, usually smooth and definitely lacking stinging hairs.
Leaves: Leaves opposite (occasionally alternate), long-petiolate, oval, to 4 in. long, with 3 noticeable veins, coarsely toothed.
Flowers: Flowers in ascending, dense spikes arising from leaf axils, each usually with a small leaf at the tip; male and female flowers often on separate spikes; green or greenish-white, minute, and in small, dense, ball-shaped heads.
Fruits: Fruit a small achene.
Comments: This species is sometimes mistaken for stinging nettle (Urtica or Laportea species), but there are no stinging hairs.
Height: 2-5 ft.
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description: Erect perennial commonly seen in swamp forests, bottomlands, bogs, marshes and ditches.
stems: Stems usually several in a clump arising from a woody crown, 4-angled or round, unbranched and light-green, usually smooth and definitely lacking stinging hairs.
leaves: Leaves opposite (occasionally alternate), long-petiolate, oval, to 4 in. long, with 3 noticeable veins, coarsely toothed.
flowers: Flowers in ascending, dense spikes arising from leaf axils, each usually with a small leaf at the tip; male and female flowers often on separate spikes; green or greenish-white, minute, and in small, dense, ball-shaped heads.
fruits: Fruit a small achene.
comments: This species is sometimes mistaken for stinging nettle (Urtica or Laportea species), but there are no stinging hairs.
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native range: eastern & central North America