Intro: Erect, clumped perennial of dry slopes, shale barrens, dry woodlands and thickets.
Stems: Stems 1-many, branched above, hairy to mostly smooth; may be burgundy-tinged.
Leaves: Leaves alternate (lowest may be nearly opposite), short-petiolate, lance-shaped, 1-4 in. long, with 3 prominent veins and sometimes toothed margins, gland-dotted below, softly hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a much-branched, terminal cluster; heads 1/3 in. tall, cylindric and consisting of 6-15 creamy white, tubular disk florets surrounded by several series of narrow, green or purplish bracts.
Comments: Flowers open in the early evening and close by mid-day, presumably an adaptation for nighttime pollination by moths and other nocturnal insects.
Height: 1-5 ft.
plant sale text: False Boneset is really one of the more interesting of our native Southeastern asters. It has narrow dark-green leaves that compliment, rather than overwhelm, the burgundy hue of its long stems. The most curious thing about False Boneset is its flower. The small heads of creamy-white disc flowers open in the early evening and close by mid-day, presumably an adaptation for nighttime pollination by moths and other nocturnal insects.
bloom table text:
description: Erect, clumped perennial of dry slopes, shale barrens, dry woodlands and thickets.
stems: Stems 1-many, branched above, hairy to mostly smooth; may be burgundy-tinged.
leaves: Leaves alternate (lowest may be nearly opposite), short-petiolate, lance-shaped, 1-4 in. long, with 3 prominent veins and sometimes toothed margins, gland-dotted below, softly hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a much-branched, terminal cluster; heads 1/3 in. tall, cylindric and consisting of 6-15 creamy white, tubular disk florets surrounded by several series of narrow, green or purplish bracts.
comments: Flowers open in the early evening and close by mid-day, presumably an adaptation for nighttime pollination by moths and other nocturnal insects.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: United States