Intro: Erect perennial of pine savannas and sandhill seeps and a southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.
Stems: Stem slender, smooth.
Leaves: Leaf single, erect, linear and grass-like, 3-12 in. long, folded lengthwise.
Flowers: Flowers (2-12) in a loose terminal raceme, opening successively from bottom to top. Flowers rosy to pale pinkish-white, less than 1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric and consisting of 3 spreading, pointy-tipped sepals, the upper 2 of which are strongly curved upward and back; 2 spreading-curved, blunt-tipped petals that project slightly forward; a third erect, lip petal with widened tip, darker pink patch, and golden crest; and a protruding, spoon-shaped column holding the reproductive parts.
Fruits: Fruit an erect, oblong capsule.
Comments: Flowers are vaguely fragrant.
Height: 8-20 in.
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description: Erect perennial of pine savannas and sandhill seeps and a southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.
stems: Stem slender, smooth.
leaves: Leaf single, erect, linear and grass-like, 3-12 in. long, folded lengthwise.
flowers: Flowers (2-12) in a loose terminal raceme, opening successively from bottom to top. Flowers rosy to pale pinkish-white, less than 1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric and consisting of 3 spreading, pointy-tipped sepals, the upper 2 of which are strongly curved upward and back; 2 spreading-curved, blunt-tipped petals that project slightly forward; a third erect, lip petal with widened tip, darker pink patch, and golden crest; and a protruding, spoon-shaped column holding the reproductive parts.
fruits: Fruit an erect, oblong capsule.
comments: Flowers are vaguely fragrant.
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