Intro: Erect to prostrate winter annual/biennial/short-lived perennial of various habitats, primarily seasonally wet areas with shallow soil or sand; also in glades on mafic outcrops (greenstone, diabase) and nutrient-rich granite.
Stems: Stems slightly angular, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves numerous, the basal ones pinnately divided into 4-5 pairs of roundish leaflets, and the alternate stem leaves divided into 2-6 pairs of much narrower leaflets.
Flowers: Flowers on ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white, less than ¼ in. wide, consisting of 4 tiny oval petals, 4 lance-shaped sepals, several stamens and a pistil with a short stout style.
Fruits: Fruit a thin, linear, green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
Height: 3-15 in.
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description: Erect to prostrate winter annual/biennial/short-lived perennial of various habitats, primarily seasonally wet areas with shallow soil or sand; also in glades on mafic outcrops (greenstone, diabase) and nutrient-rich granite.
stems: Stems slightly angular, smooth.
leaves: Leaves numerous, the basal ones pinnately divided into 4-5 pairs of roundish leaflets, and the alternate stem leaves divided into 2-6 pairs of much narrower leaflets.
flowers: Flowers on ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white, less than ¼ in. wide, consisting of 4 tiny oval petals, 4 lance-shaped sepals, several stamens and a pistil with a short stout style.
fruits: Fruit a thin, linear, green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
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