Intro: Erect perennial from a basal rosette, found in a wide variety of habitats, including moist slopes, bottomlands, oak forests and wet pine savannas.
Stems: Stem a smooth flowering stalk arising from center of a basal rosette.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, broadly oval or spoon-shaped, 3-8 in. long, with 5-7 parallel veins and smaller netted veins between, thick; stem leaves alternate, narrower and shorter.
Flowers: Flowers in a long terminal spike, female-flowered plants with spikes to 12 in. long and male-flowered (more common) with spikes to 3 inches long and drooping at the tip. Flowers white, about 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 6 greenish-white (female) or white (male) tepals.
Height: 1-4 ft.
plant sale text: The white flowers of Fairywand rise in elegant racemes above its handsome thick green leaves. This species is somewhat unusual in that female and male flowers are borne on separate plants. Fairywand is found growing in moist woodlands and bogs, and thrives best in open areas where the soil always retains some moisture. The thick, leathery spatulate leaves are attractive in their own right and often persist through the winter.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial from a basal rosette, found in a wide variety of habitats, including moist slopes, bottomlands, oak forests and wet pine savannas.
stems: Stem a smooth flowering stalk arising from center of a basal rosette.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, broadly oval or spoon-shaped, 3-8 in. long, with 5-7 parallel veins and smaller netted veins between, thick; stem leaves alternate, narrower and shorter.
flowers: Flowers in a long terminal spike, female-flowered plants with spikes to 12 in. long and male-flowered (more common) with spikes to 3 inches long and drooping at the tip. Flowers white, about 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 6 greenish-white (female) or white (male) tepals.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America