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2 results for Coleataenia longifolia. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeColeataenia longifolia ssp. combsiiCombs's Panic GrassPond shores, depression meadows, cypress savannas, marshes, low woods.Scattered on the outer Coastal Plain from NS (LeBlond in Weakley et al. 2018a), se. MA, NJ, se. VA, se. NC, e. SC, e. GA, and FL, west to se. LA.image of plant
PoaceaeColeataenia longifolia ssp. longifoliaLong-leaved Panic GrassWet sandy or peaty soils of bogs, pine savannas, pond shores, depression meadows.NS, NH, MA, PA, and IN south to FL, west to TX.image of plant