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5 results for Crataegus viridis. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RosaceaeCrataegus viridis var. glabriusculaTexas Green HawthornAlluvial woodlands, streamsides, prairies, usually where soils are basic or calcareous.E. TX n. to s. OK, e. AR.image of plant
RosaceaeCrataegus viridis var. lanceolataLanceleaf Green HawthornMoist forests and woodlands, streamsides, calcareous uplands.SC to FL, w. to e. TX, AR; range sympatric with much of the typical variety of the species.image of plant
RosaceaeCrataegus viridis var. ovataRoundleaf Green HawthornAlluvial woodlands, moist, brushy fields, uplands in calcareous soils.MO s. to AR, n. LA, e. TX.image of plant
RosaceaeCrataegus viridis var. velutinaVelvety Green HawthornBottomland forests, field borders, moist to wet woodlands.MS, AR, n. LA, e. TX.image of plant
RosaceaeCrataegus viridis var. viridisGreen Hawthorn, GreenhawSwamps, bottomland forests, alluvial woodlands, streamsides, wet flatwoods, and uplands where soils are often basic to calcareous.MD to n. FL, w. MO, c. TX; absent or rare on Appalachian Plateau.image of plant