Intro: Erect perennial of fields, savannas, dry pine flatwoods and scrubby woods.
Stems: Stems arising from a basal rosette, branched from the base, very hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves short-petiolate, elliptic or spoon-shaped, to 2 in. long, hairy on both surfaces, often withered by flowering time; stem leaves alternate, similar to basal leaves but smaller.
Flowers: Flowers solitary at stem ends, yellow, about 1 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading, triangular petals, which drop after one day, 6 hairy sepals (3 triangular, 3 linear) and many orange-tipped stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a round capsule.
Height: to 1 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of fields, savannas, dry pine flatwoods and scrubby woods.
stems: Stems arising from a basal rosette, branched from the base, very hairy.
leaves: Basal leaves short-petiolate, elliptic or spoon-shaped, to 2 in. long, hairy on both surfaces, often withered by flowering time; stem leaves alternate, similar to basal leaves but smaller.
flowers: Flowers solitary at stem ends, yellow, about 1 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading, triangular petals, which drop after one day, 6 hairy sepals (3 triangular, 3 linear) and many orange-tipped stamens.
fruits: Fruit a round capsule.
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