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3 results for Cucumis melo. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CucurbitaceaeCucumis melo var. cantalupoCanteloupe, MuskmelonGardens, fields, trash heaps, commonly cultivated in home gardens and commercially, sometimes volunteering from seed the following year.Native of Asia.
CucurbitaceaeCucumis melo var. inodorusHoneydew, Winter MelonGardens, fields, trash heaps, sometimes cultivated in our area.Native of Asia.image of plant
CucurbitaceaeCucumis melo var. texanusGulf Coast MelonFields, roadsides, other disturbed areas; apparently evolved into a distinct variety in the southeastern United States from Asian stock introduced in the precolonial period.Panhandle FL south to peninsular FL, west through s. MS, s. TX, and Mexico.image of plant