Intro: Erect to leaning perennial found in bottomland forests and shaded deposition bars along rivers and streams.
Stems: Stems 6-angled, opposite-branched, hairy above often with lines of hair on ridges/angles.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, long-petiolate, lance-oval, to 3/4-5 in. long, thin, with tiny hairs along the margin.
Flowers: Flowers in small clusters from upper leaf axils, each subtended by a pair of leafy bracts; pink or purple; nearly 1/2 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of a narrow corolla tube opening to 2 more or less recurved lobes (darker pink spots on upper lobe) and surrounded by 5 shorter, narrowly lance-shaped sepals; 2 stamens and a single long style are visible.
Fruits: Fruit a slightly flattened, round capsule.
Height: 1-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to leaning perennial found in bottomland forests and shaded deposition bars along rivers and streams.
stems: Stems 6-angled, opposite-branched, hairy above often with lines of hair on ridges/angles.
leaves: Leaves opposite, long-petiolate, lance-oval, to 3/4-5 in. long, thin, with tiny hairs along the margin.
flowers: Flowers in small clusters from upper leaf axils, each subtended by a pair of leafy bracts; pink or purple; nearly 1/2 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of a narrow corolla tube opening to 2 more or less recurved lobes (darker pink spots on upper lobe) and surrounded by 5 shorter, narrowly lance-shaped sepals; 2 stamens and a single long style are visible.
fruits: Fruit a slightly flattened, round capsule.
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