Intro: Reclining to ascending, occasionally erect, annual of moist or wet disturbed areas, ditches, pond shores and disturbed bottomlands.
Stems: Stems sprawling, rooting at nodes, branching occasionally, often purplish, covered with stiff hairs that point upward.
Leaves: Leaves opposite (a few upper leaves may be alternate), sessile to short-petiolate, lance-shaped, to 4 in. long, stiff-hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers in terminal and axillary clusters of 1-3 heads; heads about 1/3 in. wide, with many narrow, white ray florets encircling a center composed of tiny, white, tubular disk florets that include dark purple anthers.
Height: to 2 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Reclining to ascending, occasionally erect, annual of moist or wet disturbed areas, ditches, pond shores and disturbed bottomlands.
stems: Stems sprawling, rooting at nodes, branching occasionally, often purplish, covered with stiff hairs that point upward.
leaves: Leaves opposite (a few upper leaves may be alternate), sessile to short-petiolate, lance-shaped, to 4 in. long, stiff-hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers in terminal and axillary clusters of 1-3 heads; heads about 1/3 in. wide, with many narrow, white ray florets encircling a center composed of tiny, white, tubular disk florets that include dark purple anthers.
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native range: throughout North America