Intro: Erect perennial of moist to dry forests and woodlands.
Stems: Stems simple or with forked branches above, very furry.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, winged-petiolate (lower leaves) and sessile (upper), oval to elliptic or even diamond-shaped, 2-8 in. long (reduced upward), shallowly toothed, furry beneath.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in clusters at tips of branches and surrounded below by unequal, triangular-oval bracts; heads lavender-pink, consisting of 1-several tiny disk florets, each with 5 narrow corolla lobes.
Height: 1-3 ft.
plant sale text: Carolina elephantsfoot is an unusual perennial that is seldom offered for sale. It has lavender-pink flowers and is often found growing in dry forests and woodlands. Bloom consists of many small flower heads which are arranged in compound inflorescence. Once plants are established, Carolina elephantsfoot will grow quite well in dry shade and is quite drought-tolerant. It is a good nectar source for butterflies, and can be used as a ground cover.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of moist to dry forests and woodlands.
stems: Stems simple or with forked branches above, very furry.
leaves: Leaves alternate, winged-petiolate (lower leaves) and sessile (upper), oval to elliptic or even diamond-shaped, 2-8 in. long (reduced upward), shallowly toothed, furry beneath.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in clusters at tips of branches and surrounded below by unequal, triangular-oval bracts; heads lavender-pink, consisting of 1-several tiny disk florets, each with 5 narrow corolla lobes.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2
native range: eastern United States