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Eragrostiselliottii S. Watson. Elliott's Lovegrass. Phen: Jun-Dec. Hab: Ultisol wet pine savannas, maritime wet grasslands, inland edges of brackish marshes, inland edges of freshwater tidal marshes, calcareously-influenced wet pine savannas. Dist: NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX; West Indies; c. Mexico south to Belize.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Synonymy ⓘ: = Bah, ETx1, FlGr, FNA25, GW1, HC, K1, K3, K4, Meso6, Mex, Mo1, RAB, S, S13, SFla, Tx, WH3, Franck (2018c) in Weakley et al (2018b)
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Horticultural Information
Height:2-3 ft.
plant sale text:This showy native grass is low maintenance and drought resistant. Its extensive root system can help control erosion, so try planting it on that troublesome hillside. Trying to decide what to plant near that Black Walnut? Lovegrass can easily handle its allelopathic tendencies. This Southeast native also does well in sandy soils and its panicles remain effective into the winter.