Intro: Robust and weedy, erect perennial found in disturbed soils of old fields and clearcuts in a range of moist to dry conditions.
Stems: Stems 1-several from a somewhat woody crown, stout, branched above, reddish and hairy, the lower stem often with dead, brown leaves.
Leaves: Leaves opposite or alternate, crowded, 1-4 in. long, pinnately divided into thread-like segments, bright green, dotted with glands and emitting a pungent odor similar to fennel when crushed.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in multiple small clusters along drooping branches of the pyramind-shaped top of the plant; heads tiny, consisting of 3-5 minute,creamy white or purplish, tubular disk florets.
Comments: The similar E. compositifolium is mostly restricted to the Coastal Plain; it has hairy, grayish-green divided leaves with slightly broader segments, branches that are ascending to spreading, and white composite flowers. Flowers of both species are mildly fragrant.
Height: 1 1/2-6 ft.
plant sale text:
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description: Robust and weedy, erect perennial found in disturbed soils of old fields and clearcuts in a range of moist to dry conditions.
stems: Stems 1-several from a somewhat woody crown, stout, branched above, reddish and hairy, the lower stem often with dead, brown leaves.
leaves: Leaves opposite or alternate, crowded, 1-4 in. long, pinnately divided into thread-like segments, bright green, dotted with glands and emitting a pungent odor similar to fennel when crushed.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in multiple small clusters along drooping branches of the pyramind-shaped top of the plant; heads tiny, consisting of 3-5 minute,creamy white or purplish, tubular disk florets.
comments: The similar E. compositifolium is mostly restricted to the Coastal Plain; it has hairy, grayish-green divided leaves with slightly broader segments, branches that are ascending to spreading, and white composite flowers. Flowers of both species are mildly fragrant.
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native range: southeastern United States