Intro: Erect perennial of savannas, seepage bogs, woodlands, interdune swales, old fields and roadsides.
Stems: Stems 1-2 from a short crown, sparsely branched above and densely hairy, especially above.
Leaves: Leaves mostly opposite, sessile, oval to triangular with somewhat rounded tip and nearly flat base, 1-1 1/2 times long as wide, with the principal pair of lateral veins diverging directly from the base of the midrib, round-toothed, rough-hairy above and gland-dotted and veiny beneath.
Flowers: Small composite flowers (heads) arranged in clusters at branch tips, the branches and stalks hairy and glandular; heads about 1/4 in. wide and consisting of 5 white, tubular disk florets. 2 or 3 series of tiny, pointed bracts surround the base of each head.
Height: 3-4 1/2 ft.
plant sale text: With interesting ovate to heart-shaped leaves that hug the stem in pairs and a showy flat-topped clump of white flowers, Roundleaf thoroughwort is a worthy addition to the garden. Found throughout the state of North Carolina, it is easy to establish and more compact than other species of Eupatorium such as boneset. Fluffy seeds provide winter interest for this mid-sized Eupatorium.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of savannas, seepage bogs, woodlands, interdune swales, old fields and roadsides.
stems: Stems 1-2 from a short crown, sparsely branched above and densely hairy, especially above.
leaves: Leaves mostly opposite, sessile, oval to triangular with somewhat rounded tip and nearly flat base, 1-1 1/2 times long as wide, with the principal pair of lateral veins diverging directly from the base of the midrib, round-toothed, rough-hairy above and gland-dotted and veiny beneath.
flowers: Small composite flowers (heads) arranged in clusters at branch tips, the branches and stalks hairy and glandular; heads about 1/4 in. wide and consisting of 5 white, tubular disk florets. 2 or 3 series of tiny, pointed bracts surround the base of each head.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2
native range: eastern North America