Intro: Weakly erect prennial of wet pine savannas and sandhill seeps.
Stems: Stem branched above, sometimes tinged red, mostly smooth.
Leaves: Leaves basal (usually withering by flowering) and alternate on the stem, linear to narrowly lance-shaped, to 12 in. long (stem leaves smaller), with hardened margins.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a relatively flat-topped, branching terminal cluster; heads 1-1 1/4 in. wide, consisting of violet- to lavender-blue, very narrow ray florets encircling a yellow center disk composed of tubular florets. Slightly recurred and minutely hairy bracts surround the base of each head.
Height: 1-2 1/2 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Weakly erect prennial of wet pine savannas and sandhill seeps.
stems: Stem branched above, sometimes tinged red, mostly smooth.
leaves: Leaves basal (usually withering by flowering) and alternate on the stem, linear to narrowly lance-shaped, to 12 in. long (stem leaves smaller), with hardened margins.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a relatively flat-topped, branching terminal cluster; heads 1-1 1/4 in. wide, consisting of violet- to lavender-blue, very narrow ray florets encircling a yellow center disk composed of tubular florets. Slightly recurred and minutely hairy bracts surround the base of each head.
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native range: NC, SC & GA