Intro: Erect perennial from stout rhizomes found on moist to dry upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests, on acidic as well as strongly calcareous soils.
Stems: Stems simple or branched above, somewhat to densely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves basal plus one opposite pair of stem leaves below the inflorescence, to 4 in. long, heart- to kidney-shaped and deeply divided into 3-7 lobes (often 5), which are again cleft, lobed, or toothed; hairy above and on petiole.
Flowers: Flowers on hairy stalks, in a loose, branching cluster at top of stem; rose-purple; 1-1 1/2 in. wide; with 5 spreading, oval petals and 10 conspicuous stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.
Height: 8-24 in.
plant sale text: The 1 ½ inch flowers of wild geranium bloom for several weeks in spring. Its fruiting structure inspired another common name for this plant, cranesbill. When well established, this southeastern native perennial thrives and will lightly self-sow. Its leaves take on an attractive burgundy color in cooler weather. This species is found primarily in alluvial woods and coves of the mountains and piedmont. Wild geranium has been used medicinally to treat sores of the skin and mouth by the Cherokee and Chippewa tribes. The genus Geranium supports up to 23 lepidoptera species.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial from stout rhizomes found on moist to dry upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests, on acidic as well as strongly calcareous soils.
stems: Stems simple or branched above, somewhat to densely hairy.
leaves: Leaves basal plus one opposite pair of stem leaves below the inflorescence, to 4 in. long, heart- to kidney-shaped and deeply divided into 3-7 lobes (often 5), which are again cleft, lobed, or toothed; hairy above and on petiole.
flowers: Flowers on hairy stalks, in a loose, branching cluster at top of stem; rose-purple; 1-1 1/2 in. wide; with 5 spreading, oval petals and 10 conspicuous stamens.
fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America