Intro: Erect perennial of moist pastures, forests, woodlands and forest edges.
Stems: Stems wing-angled, simple or branched at summit, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate (basal leaves withered by flowering), sessile to clasping, elliptic to linear-lance-shaped, to 6 in. long (not reduced upward), entire or toothed, hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster; about 2 in.wide; consisting of 10-21 spreading-drooping yellow, narrowly triangular and 3-toothed ray florets encircling a dome-shaped center disk composed of many yellow, tubular florets.
Height: 2-5 ft.
plant sale text: Common sneezeweed thrives and blooms prolifically in the heat and humidity of late summer. Moist soil is ideal for this perennial, although it will perform well in average garden soil. Named "sneezeweed" because it blooms at the same time as the ragweed that causes allergy symptoms. This perennial provides a glorious show of yellow flowers. Cut foliage back after flowering to get second bloom. Natural rabbit repellant.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of moist pastures, forests, woodlands and forest edges.
stems: Stems wing-angled, simple or branched at summit, hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate (basal leaves withered by flowering), sessile to clasping, elliptic to linear-lance-shaped, to 6 in. long (not reduced upward), entire or toothed, hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster; about 2 in.wide; consisting of 10-21 spreading-drooping yellow, narrowly triangular and 3-toothed ray florets encircling a dome-shaped center disk composed of many yellow, tubular florets.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: North America