Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H. Kirkbride. Poorjoe. Phen: Jun-Dec. Hab: Dunes, sandy roadsides, glades, hardpans, other dry habitats. Dist: MA, NY and WI, south to FL, TX, and CA, south through Mexico and Central America.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Taxonomy Comments: Very variable (as reflected in the infrataxa that have been sometimes been recognized) and needing additional, careful taxonomic assessment.
Synonymy ⓘ: = K4, Cabaña Fader et al (2019), Kirkbride & Delprete (2015); = Diodella teres (Walter) Small – S, Bacigalupo & Cabral (1999); = Diodia teres Walter – Ar, C, Fl5, GrPl, GW2, K3, Meso4.2, Mex, Mi, NcTx, NY, Pa, RAB, Tn, Va, W, WH3, WV; > Diodia teres Walter var. hirsutior Fernald & Griscom – F, K1, Tat; > Diodia teres Walter var. hystricina Fernald & Griscom – F, G, K1, Tat; > Diodia teres Walter var. oblongifolia Fernald – F, K1; > Diodia teres Walter var. setifera Fernald & Griscom – F, Il, Tx; > Diodia teres Walter var. teres – F, G, Il, K1, NE, Tx
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ⓘ: 9
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