Intro: Creeping aquatic to semi-aquatic perennial of swamp forests and pools.
Stems: Stems slender, branched, rooting at nodes, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles attached at the center of the blade, round, shallowly lobed to scallop-margined, shiny.
Flowers: Flowers in 2 or more small, few-flowered umbels arranged along upright stalk arising separately from leaves; white; sessile; tiny; consisting of 5 minute spreading petals and 5 erect stamens.
Height: 3-8 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Creeping aquatic to semi-aquatic perennial of swamp forests and pools.
stems: Stems slender, branched, rooting at nodes, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles attached at the center of the blade, round, shallowly lobed to scallop-margined, shiny.
flowers: Flowers in 2 or more small, few-flowered umbels arranged along upright stalk arising separately from leaves; white; sessile; tiny; consisting of 5 minute spreading petals and 5 erect stamens.
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