Intro: Erect, sometimes bushy annual found in fields, dry clearings and woodlands, woodland borders, rock outcrops, barrens and exposed, eroding sites.
Stems: Stems rigid, with many ascending, wing-angled branches.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, linear to almost needle-like, to 3/4 in. long, numerous and ascending (close but not pressed to stem).
Flowers: Flowers solitary in leaf axils on short stalks, scattered abundantly along leafy branches; yellow; consisting of 5 oblong-oval or asymmetrically-shaped petals (giving a pinwheel effect), 5 lance-shaped sepals (usually as long as or longer than petals) and an erect cluster of stamens and a pistil in the center.
Fruits: Fruit an erect, reddish, oval capsule.
Height: 4-20 in.
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description: Erect, sometimes bushy annual found in fields, dry clearings and woodlands, woodland borders, rock outcrops, barrens and exposed, eroding sites.
stems: Stems rigid, with many ascending, wing-angled branches.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, linear to almost needle-like, to 3/4 in. long, numerous and ascending (close but not pressed to stem).
flowers: Flowers solitary in leaf axils on short stalks, scattered abundantly along leafy branches; yellow; consisting of 5 oblong-oval or asymmetrically-shaped petals (giving a pinwheel effect), 5 lance-shaped sepals (usually as long as or longer than petals) and an erect cluster of stamens and a pistil in the center.
fruits: Fruit an erect, reddish, oval capsule.
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