Intro: Erect biennial/short-lived perennial of sandhills, sand rims of Carolina bays, dolomitic glades and woodlands, dunes, road banks and other disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems simple, leafy and hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, crowded, to 1 1/4 in. long, pinnately divided into thread-like segments with bristle tips.
Flowers: Flowers in tall, leafy-bracted, terminal raceme; bright red (rarely yellow); to 1 1/2 in. long; long-tubular with 5 spreading, pointed lobes making a star at the tube opening; yellow dotted with red inside the tube.
Comments: This species has spread from cultivation in areas to the north.
Height: 2-6 ft.
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description: Erect biennial/short-lived perennial of sandhills, sand rims of Carolina bays, dolomitic glades and woodlands, dunes, road banks and other disturbed areas.
stems: Stems simple, leafy and hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, crowded, to 1 1/4 in. long, pinnately divided into thread-like segments with bristle tips.
flowers: Flowers in tall, leafy-bracted, terminal raceme; bright red (rarely yellow); to 1 1/2 in. long; long-tubular with 5 spreading, pointed lobes making a star at the tube opening; yellow dotted with red inside the tube.
comments: This species has spread from cultivation in areas to the north.
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native range: southeastern United States