Intro: Erect, deciduous shrub found in wildlife food plots, roadsides and forests. Native of e. Asia.
Stems: Stems thick and ridged, loosely branched, covered with stiff hairs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; on petioles with persistent, needle-like stipules; divided into 3 elliptic to broadly oval leaflets, each about 1/3-1 in. long, blunt-tipped with a tiny point and rough-hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in small clusters from upper leaf axils and at branch ends; rose-purple; 1/3-1/2 in. long; bilaterally symmetric and with typical pea-flower shape, including an erect banner petal marked with darker purple.
Fruits: Fruit a hairy, flattened, broadly elliptic pod with a long point and containing a single seed.
Comments: Introduced to the U.S. primarily to provide food and cover for bobwhite quail and other upland game birds, and for erosion control.
Height: 3-10 ft.
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description: Erect, deciduous shrub found in wildlife food plots, roadsides and forests. Native of e. Asia.
stems: Stems thick and ridged, loosely branched, covered with stiff hairs.
leaves: Leaves alternate; on petioles with persistent, needle-like stipules; divided into 3 elliptic to broadly oval leaflets, each about 1/3-1 in. long, blunt-tipped with a tiny point and rough-hairy.
flowers: Flowers in small clusters from upper leaf axils and at branch ends; rose-purple; 1/3-1/2 in. long; bilaterally symmetric and with typical pea-flower shape, including an erect banner petal marked with darker purple.
fruits: Fruit a hairy, flattened, broadly elliptic pod with a long point and containing a single seed.
comments: Introduced to the U.S. primarily to provide food and cover for bobwhite quail and other upland game birds, and for erosion control.
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