Intro: Erect to leaning-sprawling biennial of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed habitats.
Stems: Stems often lax, furrowed and angular (sometimes with red ribs in lower parts), branched, smooth to somewhat hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with a pair of lance-shaped stipules, divided into 3 oblong-oval leaflets, each about â…“ in. long and toothed in the upper half.
Flowers: Flowers in long (to 6 in.) racemes on stalks from middle and upper leaf axils, often on only 1 side of the stalk; each flower yellow, to â…“ in. long, angled downward, bilaterally symmetric, with typical pea-flower shape.
Fruits: Fruit a small, beaked, flattened pod..
Height: 2-7 ft.
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description: Erect to leaning-sprawling biennial of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed habitats.
stems: Stems often lax, furrowed and angular (sometimes with red ribs in lower parts), branched, smooth to somewhat hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with a pair of lance-shaped stipules, divided into 3 oblong-oval leaflets, each about â…“ in. long and toothed in the upper half.
flowers: Flowers in long (to 6 in.) racemes on stalks from middle and upper leaf axils, often on only 1 side of the stalk; each flower yellow, to â…“ in. long, angled downward, bilaterally symmetric, with typical pea-flower shape.
fruits: Fruit a small, beaked, flattened pod..
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