Intro: Erect annual of alluvial swamps, marshes, peaty pond margins, seasonally exposed river shores, ditches and other wet habitats.
Stems: Stems somewhat 4-angled, branched above in inflorescence, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, elliptic to oval and tapered at both ends, to 3 in. long.
Flowers: Flowers arranged along one side of ascending, terminal branches and in similar, smaller clusters from leaf axils, the branches slightly coiling at the tip; white, tiny, funnel-shaped with 5 spreading, pointy lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, deeply 2-lobed capsule.
Height: 4-32 in.
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bloom table text:
description: Erect annual of alluvial swamps, marshes, peaty pond margins, seasonally exposed river shores, ditches and other wet habitats.
stems: Stems somewhat 4-angled, branched above in inflorescence, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, elliptic to oval and tapered at both ends, to 3 in. long.
flowers: Flowers arranged along one side of ascending, terminal branches and in similar, smaller clusters from leaf axils, the branches slightly coiling at the tip; white, tiny, funnel-shaped with 5 spreading, pointy lobes.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, deeply 2-lobed capsule.
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