Intro: Erect annual of wet savannas, pocosins, ditches and margins of limesink depressions (dolines).
Stems: Stems vaguely 4-angled, simple or with a few erect branches above.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, usually sessile, oval to widely elliptic with a rounded base, to 3/4 in. long and entire.
Flowers: Flowers in branching clusters on long ascending stalks/branches from upper leaf axils; white; less than 1/8 in. long; funnel-shaped with 5 spreading, pointed petals.
Height: 4-18 in.
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description: Erect annual of wet savannas, pocosins, ditches and margins of limesink depressions (dolines).
stems: Stems vaguely 4-angled, simple or with a few erect branches above.
leaves: Leaves opposite, usually sessile, oval to widely elliptic with a rounded base, to 3/4 in. long and entire.
flowers: Flowers in branching clusters on long ascending stalks/branches from upper leaf axils; white; less than 1/8 in. long; funnel-shaped with 5 spreading, pointed petals.
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