Myriopteris lanosa (Michaux) Grusz & Windham. Hairy Lipfern. Phen: Jun-Oct. Hab: Dry outcrops of felsic or intermediate-composition metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks. Dist: CT, NY, PA, s. OH (pers.comm. 2021), s. IL, MO, and KS south to FL, AL, MS, LA, and e. TX, and disjunct in WI and MN.
ID notes: Much the commonest and most widespread lipfern in our area, a sexual diploid, and the most eastern of a predominantly "southwestern" genus. Myriopteris lanosa is more sparsely hairy, "greener", smaller-fronded, and more mat-forming than the second most widely distributed and common Myriopteris in our region, Myriopteris tomentosa.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Synonymy ⓘ: = K3, K4, NY, Grusz & Windham (2013); = Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.) D.C.Eaton – Ar, C, ETx1, Fl1, FNA2, G, GrPl, Il, K1, Mo1, NE, Pa, RAB, S13, Sf, Tat, Tn, Tx, TxFerns, Va, W, WH3, WV, Lellinger (1985); = Cheilanthes vestita (Spreng.) Sw. – F; = Hemionitis lanosa (Michx.) Christenh. – Christenhusz, Fay, & Byng (2018)
Links to other floras: = Cheilanthes lanosa - FNA2
Heliophily ⓘ: 7
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