Intro: Stemless, emergent perennial found on peaty soil in stagnant water (acidic to calcareous), including in beaver ponds, blackwater streams, swamps, pools in low pocosins, streambeds and tidal freshwater marshes.
Leaves: Leaves crowded in a basal cluster and appearing before the separate flowering stalk, floating on water or extended above, long-petiolate, oval to elliptic, 4-12 in. long, with parallel veins, dark blue-green above and often with a waxy bloom that repels water, pale beneath.
Flowers: Flowers on a separate, elongated, cylindric spadix at the end of a green and white club-like scape, extending above leaves and sometimes leaning; they are numerous, bright yellow, and tiny.
Fruits: Fruits green and embedded in the fleshy spadix.
Height: 1-2 ft.
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description: Stemless, emergent perennial found on peaty soil in stagnant water (acidic to calcareous), including in beaver ponds, blackwater streams, swamps, pools in low pocosins, streambeds and tidal freshwater marshes.
leaves: Leaves crowded in a basal cluster and appearing before the separate flowering stalk, floating on water or extended above, long-petiolate, oval to elliptic, 4-12 in. long, with parallel veins, dark blue-green above and often with a waxy bloom that repels water, pale beneath.
flowers: Flowers on a separate, elongated, cylindric spadix at the end of a green and white club-like scape, extending above leaves and sometimes leaning; they are numerous, bright yellow, and tiny.
fruits: Fruits green and embedded in the fleshy spadix.
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native range: eastern United States