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3 results for Panicum dichotomiflorum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowenseBartow PanicgrassOpen, usually wet soils, often emergent in shallow water or on exposed shores.FL (and unconfirmed reports northward); Bahamas; e. Cuba; Jamaica.
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorumSpreading Panicgrass, Fall PanicgrassMarshy shores, exposed wet soils, alluvial deposits in floodplain forests, spoil banks, ditches.E. Canada west to BC, south to FL, TX, and Mexico; Bahamas (Sorrie & LeBlond 1997); West Indies (Cuba, Haiti, Guadelupe); widespread in s. Central America and South America.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. puritanorumPuritan PanicgrassWet sands and peats of seasonally exposed pond and lake shores.NS, NH, and NY south to DE (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008), VA, NC, and e. SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]); disjunct in IN and IL.image of plant