Intro: Erect perennial of pond shores, draw-down areas, moist forests, floodplain forests and moist, disturbed areas, such as ditches.
Stems: Stems simple or bushy-branched above, green or red, smooth with glandular hairs on upper half.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate, lance-shaped to elliptic, to 7 in. long, finely toothed, the mid-vein white or red-tinged.
Flowers: Flowers on terminal and some axillary branches, on one side of each curving, glandular branch; greenish to yellowish-green; 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 sepals (no petals) and 10 white stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a red, 5-parted, 5-horned capsule.
Height: 12-32 in.
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description: Erect perennial of pond shores, draw-down areas, moist forests, floodplain forests and moist, disturbed areas, such as ditches.
stems: Stems simple or bushy-branched above, green or red, smooth with glandular hairs on upper half.
leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate, lance-shaped to elliptic, to 7 in. long, finely toothed, the mid-vein white or red-tinged.
flowers: Flowers on terminal and some axillary branches, on one side of each curving, glandular branch; greenish to yellowish-green; 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 sepals (no petals) and 10 white stamens.
fruits: Fruit a red, 5-parted, 5-horned capsule.
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