Intro: Reclining-scrambling annual/perennial of marshes, tidal swamps, floodplain pools and wet thickets.
Stems: Stems branched, ridged, the angles with hooked prickles.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate with a prickled and hairy sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem, triangular with flaring basal lobes and sharp-pointed tip, 1-7 in. long, sparsely hairy above and with star-shaped hairs beneath.
Flowers: Flowers in short racemes, the stalk prickly, at stem tops and from upper leaf axils (sometimes multiple racemes in a sparsely branched cluster); white to greenish or pink; less than 1/4 in. long; consisting of 5 oval to elliptic tepals.
Fruits: Fruit a broadly oval, brown achene.
Height: 2-6 ft.
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description: Reclining-scrambling annual/perennial of marshes, tidal swamps, floodplain pools and wet thickets.
stems: Stems branched, ridged, the angles with hooked prickles.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate with a prickled and hairy sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem, triangular with flaring basal lobes and sharp-pointed tip, 1-7 in. long, sparsely hairy above and with star-shaped hairs beneath.
flowers: Flowers in short racemes, the stalk prickly, at stem tops and from upper leaf axils (sometimes multiple racemes in a sparsely branched cluster); white to greenish or pink; less than 1/4 in. long; consisting of 5 oval to elliptic tepals.
fruits: Fruit a broadly oval, brown achene.
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